This function redacts the columns specified in columns
in the data given in
using dittodb
's standard redactors.
- data
a dataframe to redact
- columns
character, the columns to redact
should case be ignored? (default:
)- ...
additional options to pass on to
when matching the column names
The column names given in the columns
argument are treated as regular
expressions, however they always have ^
and $
added to the beginning and
end of the strings. So if you would like to match any column that starts with
the string sensitive
(e.g. sensitive_name
, sensitive_date
) you could
use "sensitive.*
and this would catch all of those columns (though it would
not catch a column called most_sensitive_name
The standard redactors replace all values in the column with the following values based on the columns type:
integer --
numeric --
character --
(date times) --as.POSIXct("1988-10-11T17:00:00", tz = tzone)
if (check_for_pkg("nycflights13", message)) {
small_flights <- head(nycflights13::flights)
# with no columns specified, redacting does nothing
redact_columns(small_flights, columns = NULL)
# integer
redact_columns(small_flights, columns = c("arr_time"))
# numeric
redact_columns(small_flights, columns = c("arr_delay"))
# characters
redact_columns(small_flights, columns = c("origin", "dest"))
# datetiems
redact_columns(small_flights, columns = c("time_hour"))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 19
#> year month day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time sched_arr_time
#> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int> <int>
#> 1 2013 1 1 517 515 2 830 819
#> 2 2013 1 1 533 529 4 850 830
#> 3 2013 1 1 542 540 2 923 850
#> 4 2013 1 1 544 545 -1 1004 1022
#> 5 2013 1 1 554 600 -6 812 837
#> 6 2013 1 1 554 558 -4 740 728
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: arr_delay <dbl>, carrier <chr>, flight <int>,
#> # tailnum <chr>, origin <chr>, dest <chr>, air_time <dbl>, distance <dbl>,
#> # hour <dbl>, minute <dbl>, time_hour <dttm>